About Us

Cachnacruidh Gungdogs is a working kennel based in Scotland.
we have a team of young dogs currently consisting of Springer Spaniels and Labradors working 5-6 days a week from the glorious 12th all the way through to the 1st of February.
At Cachnacruidh Gundogs we pride ourselves in training and producing dogs that can't only do their job on the field but can also be good companions in general such as coming along to cafes, pubs, and family days out.
we have had two previous litters of Springer spaniels in the past that have gone on to make wonderful working dogs and pets. we will have more litters in the future so keep your eye out for them

our facilities are second to none, we have fully insulated kennels for all of our own and client dogs, CCTV on at all times to ensure the safety of the dogs, and an extensive range of training supplies which include:
blank guns and real guns so your dog can get used to hearing shots or being shot over.
full range of dummies ranging from puppy to advanced
dummy launcher
availability of cold game
availability of a variety of training grounds such as moorland, water, woodland, and a busy town
we are here to help you and your dog from general manners and obedience to advanced gundog training. there is really no issue or goal too big or too small